Monday, May 27, 2013

Challenge # 7 - Tiled Flower Pot (Somewhat Success!)

     This challenge turned out to be quite the challenge to say the least! The original post chose a pebble tile to cover a metal bucket which would eventually be used as a flower pot. I loved the look and had to give it a try! I searched and searched for a relatively cheap pebble tile and of course could not find one I liked and was cheap enough for me (I found lots but most were at least $18-20 a tile and I wasn't willing to spend that for a flower pot). Instead I was able to find a mosaic glass tile at the Home Depot for $5.99. At the time this seemed like a great idea and it fit my budget. Little did I know this mosaic glass tile would be quite the headache for the bucket I had chosen. 

     First of all I had chosen this "round" metal bucket which was tapered and smaller at the bottom that at the top. And I had chosen a square glass tile....see where this is going!?! This led to spacing nightmares! I can now see why they originally chose a non-uniform pebble tile which spacing was totally not an issue. I am a perfectionist and this was enough to drive me insane.

This was the bucket I used ($2.50 @ Dollerama!)

This is the tile I chose. I believe it was called Ocean. It was on a mesh backing which was really convenient and easy to cut. I ended up cutting the tile into strips 1 x 6. I then started to adhere the tile to the metal bucket. This is where the spacing nightmare came into play. I had to place the strips at an angle such that the space between tiles at the bottom was smaller than the space between the tiles at the top. It was unfortunately the only way to do it with the tapered bucket. The only way I could have avoided this would have been if I cut the tile into individual pieces and that just seemed like WAAAYY too much work. I used the same adhesive I used for the Scrabble tile in an earlier post. I used regular scotch tape to hold it in place and let it cure overnight.  


Once the adhesive had cured I used Polyblend sanded grout in a white colour. I applied to grout according to the instructions on the box and I was pretty happy with the results. I decided to leave the strip of metal at the top of the bucket and haven't quite decided what I'm going to do with it. I'm either going to leave it as is or find some pebbles at a craft store and apply them to the top. What do you think? I'd love to hear your opinion! 

This is the bucket as of right now - I will post an update once I decide on how I want to finish the top and when I plant some beautiful flowers in it.

Here is the original post: 

Here's the pot with the planted flowers :)

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