Monday, May 27, 2013

Challenge # 5 - Scrabble Tile Coasters (Success!!)

I loved the way these looked on pinterest and I had to try them out. I'm not going to lie, these were EXTREMELY time consuming. I am lucky enough to have a lovely Aunt who shares the love of crafting and Pinterest and she is also sometimes my supplier for materials for these challenges. She supplied me with the old scrabble game and the adhesive. I had originally planned to use a hot glue gun but she had informed me that this adhesive would probably be better.

So I took the Scrabble tiles and arranged them into four letter words that I liked and fit together. 

I then lightly sanded the edges that I was going to apply the adhesive to. After that I applied the adhesive (following the directions on the box!) and began to stick the letters together. 

I started by gluing two pieces together and then I glued 2 two of those together making a four letter word. I let the adhesive cure and then glued four words together making the final coaster. Eventually I will seal them with some sort of sealant or clear gloss paint to protect it from spilled liquid, etc. 

And the Final 4 Coasters that I made

I did have some letters left over but I don't have enough variety of letters left to make any other coasters, unless I wanted to just make some that don't actually spell words. 

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